Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Another Day In Paradise?

Hi Guys,
     Well here I am on the reservation in Tohatchi.  There are 700 members and only 25 come to church so the work is immense and I need a few words of encouragement!  I need to get my mind off of home eventhough it's only my first week here.  I can only e-mail once a week and that is a killer but thanks for the goodies everyone.
     We met the town drunk my first day here and of course he was drunk.  He keeps stopping by our place since I got here except for Friday.  He keeps yelling at us and calling us devils because we wouldn't go to this church meeting with him.  Real nice guy, right?  Other than that, there are some really great people here.  I will tell you about them in the next e-mail. 
      I know this sounds weird coming from me but guys don't take school for granted!  I am living in an area where the people reject their education and the society on the Reservation is taking a heavy toll.  The people don't want to work, they struggle so much and they expect everything to be given to them.  It makes me so sad to see so many lazy people.  I can see how being self-reliant and a hard worker are super important.  Sometimes when we work hard we don't get anything but sometimes by working hard we can be an example to others and by being a good example like Jesus, then people see how good of a person you are and they want to try to be like you.
     Do you remember when I was getting set apart and the Stake President said I will be sought after for blessings?  Well my first Sunday here I was asked to confirm someone.  I was nervous but I think I did ok.
    Remember to be a light and an example to those around you.

Love you all,
Elder Christensen

1 comment:

  1. My favorite part of this letter is that you are already beginning to see the way that Heavenly Father will be able to use you as a missionary (in giving blessings). This is exactly what mothers pray for for their children as they serve, and you show maturity by recognizing that.

    Hang in there, new friend. This is going to get easier AND the whole thing will bless you and your future family FOREVER.
