Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Transfer to Greasewood Arizona

Hey Everyone!
I am in Greasewood Arizona now and it is a pretty neat place! We have a huge area!!! I mean bigger than Tohatchi! Our truck takes the normal beating from the roads and I sit in the passenger seat and laugh because its fun to try to get to peoples houses and where else can you go 4 wheeling on your mission and call it work lol! So we go to either Hollbrook or Winslow for shopping which is like 120 mile round trip, so ya it's pretty fun!
We got a bunch of snow here, like 4 inches! My new companion is Elder Hunsaker and he was in our district but served in Tohlakai for 2 transfers and then he and I were sent here together. I am a little sad because his old companion is taking my place and he and Elder Marple are getting a bunch of baptisms this month! I know that is the nature of the work but I would have liked to have been there for them. I have also been wondering what does the Lord want me to do? Does he want me to be the kind of missionary who works hard to fix the places were the work has struggled? Because that is how it was in Tohatchi until Elder Marple and I got there. I figured that is what the Lord wants me for and I won't let him down and I will help my new companion and this area it going to be awesome! There are so many nice people here!!
Anyway the senior missionary couple in Indian Wells has a computer for Skype and I would love to do that but I have to ask our mission prez on Tuesday. Wait for my call between 3 and 6 on Christmas Day and I will tell you all that is going on here and things that are going to happen and all of that stuff!
So that's all I have for this week!

Love ya all and Merry Christmas!!
Elder Christensen

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

More Pictures

The work is going great!

Hey Everyone,

Thank you for the money! I will be getting a suit today because the one I have is starting to get dirty and sorta smelly and needs to be dry cleaned soon.

Well we haven't had any transfer news this week but we will find out on Saturday! Our predictions are Elder Marple will be a zone leader and I will be training! The exciting thing is that there is a big focus on the work here! In January we are getting at least 14 more missionaries and 16 after that and 20 after that! It is crazy but amazing!! We need it so bad because there are still areas of this mission that we just don't have enough missionaries to get to! Things here are looking up we are having a baptism on the 17th and we are setting 2 more dates this week. I hope that I don't get transferd just before this baptism and because the work here is going so great now! The Lord has made it possible for us to keep working and I am so grateful, I just don't want to leave yet!

If you really want me to make list of what I want for Christmas I will gladly do it! I want a computer, some movies and..I'm just kidding! I really would just love some music! It doesn't matter what it is, but that would be nice and oh, Elder Holland's talk about the Book of Mormon from I think the 2008 or 2009 General Conference in April I think, so that would be great!

My most spiritual event this week was when I was in Tohlakai, New Mexico last Monday and Tuesday. Elder Marple was in Farmington for a bit and I went with the other missionaries in Tohlakai to all of their lessons and stuff. We met a man named Willard who reads the Bible and the Book of Mormon and compares them and it was super amazing. The spirit led us to say what we really needed to say. It was such a blessing to help him understand what the Spirit feels like and to help him understand how the Book of Mormon is another testament of Christ!

Anyway I'm outa time gotta go!
love ya
Elder Christensen!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

More pictures

More pictures from Tohatchi

Pictures from Tohatchi

More Pictures from the MTC

Finally Pictures - These are from the MTC

Being Thankful

Well hello everyone!

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving and I sent home letters about all the things I am grateful for. We made our own turkey dinner complete with all the other fixings! Can you believe it? I made a potato casserole and everyone else made the turkey, stuffing yams, and rolls and stuff. It's making me hungry just talking about it and it turned out pretty good! Anyway we invited a whole bunch of people from Tohatchi and other towns but not a single person showed! We were sad until we found out they all had a Thanksgiving dinner somewhere else! I will have to get pictures from some of the other missionaries and send them to you since I don't have my memory card back yet! Anyway your Thanksgiving sounded like it was a real blast and I think we should all be thankful for what we have! And don't be afraid to extend a hand to someone around you who is in need! We try to get everyone here to do that because there are so many people who have nothing!
I hope you all continue to be awsome and choose the right! Love ya!

Elder Christensen

First Thanksgiving in Tohatchi

Hey guess what, it's Thanksgiving on the rez! I'm going pshyco because the days are going by to fast!

This week has been both rewarding and frustrating! We set a date with two people to come to church on Saturday and they didn't show! We even had the spirit in our lesson they sounded like they were excited about church so that was frustating! We also did some more tracting this week and we found someone who met Gordon B. Hinkley and she isn't even a member yet!! We asked when we could come back and talk more about families and she said no that she wasn't interested. She said that she believes all churches and religons are good and it doesn't matter which one she goes to so oh well. At least she was honest with us. Anyway some exciting news, we are making a turkey for Thanksgiving and our district is having a get-together so we are excited for that! I just hope we don't burn it and I will let you know how it goes.

Mom could you please give me the tracking numbers on the packages you send. When I hear that something is coming and I don't see it for like two weeks it's kind of depressing lol! I ask the guy at the post office where it is and he can tell me!

Okay and I have even more awesome news! On Friday we saw the Living Legends program that BYU puts on and it was so good! I hope you guys get to see it sometime.

Anyway that's all from me! Oh read 2 Nephi19 and find the question that Nephi asks those who are not baptized, then read 2 Nephi 31 and find the blessings that are promised when they accept the gospel and are baptized!


Love, Elder Christensen

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Progressing in Tohatchi

Wow!! Week three of this transfer already and it has been just amazing!! We finally beat the standard of excellence here with over 20 lessons! It was a first for me to get that many and we found a few more invetigators! Also we are planning three baptism dates and can't wait for them to be baptized!! The one investigator that really made my week is named Ericson. His wife and kids left him and he is a really nice and hardworking guy. He loves his kids and was so interested in the blessings that are promised to us especially to families. He has never sought after God but he has been to other churches and the gospel just seems to click for him! I can't believe that we have been having such success here. I am glad the work is progressing even more so!!

The temple trip was great we went to Monticello and the ward there fed all the missionaries and we were so greatful for that! We got back late tonight so that's why my email is late. The elders from Thoreau are staying two nights with us because tomorrow we have Zone Conference. It helps them to save miles and stuff! Elder Harbin who is like one of my favorite companions and his companion Elder Sypher are super funny and I love them both. We played Risk before going to bed and its is just way to much fun!!

Okay enough with that. I found that my old MTC companion is in our zone so I got to talk to him today for about 8 hours as we drove to and from the temple!

Thanks for the door approches mom! We really need to start finding ways to be more inviting to people, but I think when they see two white guys on the rez they know who we are and it's really up to them if they want to let us in or not.

I'm glad that things are still great at home and that everyone still loves me lol!

I am greatful for all your emails and I love you!


Elder Christensen

Monday, November 7, 2011

It Snowed...A Little

Hi Everyone,
So this week was a really hard week for us. We only had like 10 lessons and had to drop a bunch of people because they all avoid us when we come around! We have knocked on almost every house here so that should tell you how many people live here and no one wants us to come by. We have placed a couple Book of Mormons here and there but other than that it hasn't been to good. We have been helping a member build an addition to his house whenever we run out of things to do, so we are excited to help him. And the family that feeds us is a a non-member couple who love missionaries because they are intellegent and fun to talk to, so that helps alot. We did find out on Thursday that next Monday we are having a mission temple trip and everyone is excited to go to the Monticello, Utah Temple so that will be something to look forward to.

I did get the amazing coats and they are perfect and really nice! It has snowed the last two days but not much. Not even an inch in Gallup or Tohatchi! But I am sure Flagstaff and Durango were hammered. I really want a lot of snow this year but I know it might not happen because we are so far south.

We are going to stay determined and continue to do all we can in finding more people so fear not, "I cannot be discouraged because it is the Lords work!!! (you should print that out and frame it!). So yep we are great and eating like rich men thanks to your grocery list. We actually spent less than what you estimated it to be! Thanks for everything mom and dad. You guys are the greatest!

Love Ya All!

Elder C.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Halloween Letter

Hello again from Tohatchi!!!

We got transfer news this week and guess what, I am staying in Tohatchi for at least another 6 weeks!! I was pretty excited that I get to stay here because I love Tohatchi!! I will send pictures as soon as Halloween is over I promise!!

I'm sorry that I have requested so much, the golves are like the last big thing I need and then I will be happy!! By the way, the memory card you sent is to small for my camera so I sold it to another elder here who needed it and will use the money to buy one here!

Thank you for the grocery list we adapted it to try and fit a weeks worth of stuff so we will see how long we survive! That is the one thing that has been really hard about being on the rez. We don't get fed like other areas so we fend for ourselves most nights but we try to eat really well!

I really am doing great! My mission is going to fast and I am loving every minute of it! I can barely remember when I left!

I am glad everyone is doing great and I am so excited the kids are doing great! I do everything I can to keep myself from getting discouraged and I hope it is enough!

Anyway this e-mail is short because we have a super busy prep day today!

Well love ya all!


Elder Christensen

Monday, October 24, 2011

Our First Baptism!

Thank you for the happy birthday things!! I can't believe I will be twenty and I will almost be twenty two when I get home! That is so messed up! Anyway I am gratetful for the video you sent. I didn't have any headphones or anything because I am in a library but I read your lips and it was a wonderful birthday suprise!

I sent a letter to you Mom about my packages and stuff and the only recent ones I have received is the one with the two coats but I am sure they will show up soon. If they don't get here before Wednesday then I won't see them untill next week because of transfers. I have prayed to know if I will be leaving Tohatchi and I keep having the impression that I will be leaving soon. We will just have to see what happens next!

This Sunday was a very special day for me because on Saturday we had our first baptism! His name is Chris Arnold and Elder Marple first taught him in Flagstaff. He then moved to Pinon for nine months and then we found him again in Tohatchi. Elder Marple got to baptise him because he worked with him the most but when Sunday came around Elder Marple confirmed him and gave him the gift of the Holy Ghost and then the branch president wanted to give him the the priesthood that same day and he asked me to do it! After I ordained him a priest I gave him a copy of the line of authority paper. I was so glad that I had that. I was writing in my journal last night about the experience and I thought about what we had just done and I felt impressed that this would have a huge effect on something in his future! I really marveled at that because of what the spirit had just testified to me!

I also taught Sunday School today and the lesson was about unity and the Navajo people here really need that back in thier lives. If you would like the lesson, follow the teachings of Paul in Ephesians Chapters 1-5. There is a lot of good stuff and it is one of my favorite parts in the New Testament! I have also started the Book of Mormon again and I am in 1 Nephi 3 so I guess you guys have another chance to follow me and I am also reading the Old Testiment to.

I have been enjoying all the letters from Zack Hayward and Karl Garrett so thanks for those. I have also heard from Taylor and he is doing great. He moved to St. George this week and I know he is doing his best now that he has a fresh start! Mom, why would you stop Jordan from trick or treating? I didn't stop untill my last year in high school but I am also the strangest person and the whole zone here will attest to that! So ya sorry this email is so long but I had alot to say!

Well thats it for now!
Love ya all,
Elder Christensen!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Dinner with a family!

Well good morning!! We are doing great as a companionship! We have three baptism dates set in the next three weeks a wedding tomorrow and yes we are getting fed on Thursdays!!!! Yay! Finally a Navajo family that cares about missionaries and doesnt call us JDUBS (Jehovah Witness) or GAMALI'S (Navajo word meaning god whisperers)!!! Anyway it as been an exciting week for us.
Week six will be coming up and I can hardly believe that I only have two more weeks left in this transfer. I have a feeling that I will be leaving Tohatchi soon but if I don't I will be really excited to stay here for along time.
There are some really strange things happening around recently. There have been sightings of the Tohatchi Monster! Tohatchi is at the base of the Chooshagai Mountian Range which President Kimball said was one of the mountian ranges were the Gadianton Robbers lived and with the sightings of more Skinwalkers recently and the Tohatchi Monster it's no wonder!! We are trying to calm things down but people will believe what they want I guess.
So just some things that I found out about my mission. Did you know that it was made of three missions and President Jones was a member of the Seventy before he was our mission president? He was the one who felt impressed to make this area into a mission so he formed it and they made him the first president how cool!!! Here are some more insights about Lehi's decendants that I found out also. The Jaradites were the first here and traveled the farthest up north, hence why we have the northern native tribes. Then we know that the Nephites came and spread through all of South America and the people of Zarahemla settled Mexico. They became Nephites and spread all the way to the Eastern part of the United States were Moroni buried the plates and where the people were finally destroyed in a huge battle!! It was like 1,030,000 Nephites against even more Lamanites!! So yah just some cool stuff I recently learned which is probably old news to you!
We have also been having some experiences with drunks lately but that is nothing new. We just pray with them and then we walk away, simple!! Well we are looking forward to our baptisms and we are doing our best to stay obedient and I know you guys are being obedient to!!

Love you all!
Elder Christensen

Monday, October 10, 2011

Still Working Hard

YAY! only 21 more fast Sundays to go!!! Just kidding! I have actually been losing track of the days so when my companion told me he only has 12 left I counted mine down and I have a lot but it has been flying past!!
Thank you for the packages I have really needed it! The first week of October here has been super cold and the first three days of the week it snowed and rained a ton. It hasn't been very warm outside but I love it at night because I sleep ten times better!!
So Mom you would be so proud of me! I made pot stickers and and fried rice and we are having bar-b-que chicken tonight so we are going to survive!! We also did something cool for P-Day today! We biked up a mountian to go see some cliff dwellings and when I get the new memory card I will send you the pictuers along with list of what they are too! This country is so beautiful. I love it.
We did make it to General Conference and Priesthood which was great and no mom I haven't been to any primary programs. The branch is to small and there are like three little kids and some newborns. It is sad that no one has a desire for going to church but we are changing that little by little! You know I am finding out that we can do great things if we work hard and never get discouraged! There are times here already when I could get discouraged because Satan doesn't want me to work! But I try to never get down and people still ask me why I am always smiling and having fun and I tell them it's because if you make what you do enjoyable then it is no longer work, it is play time!! But don't get me wrong I still work hard and I do everything I can to help people so it's not all fun and games.
Thanks for your advice mom and dad I will keep on the look out for your letter. Some of the questions that some of our investigators are asking are kind of hard and I have to tell them that we will find some answers for them and come back to see them about it. Another question that one of our investigators has asked is why does Satan have the power to mimic Gods power of healing and such? Any advice and scripture references that you think I would be able to give would be great. Well that's all I have for today.

Elder Christensen

Monday, October 3, 2011

Keeping Busy

WOW! sounds like you guys have had a very busy week! It has also been busy for us! We drove to Gallup and back about 4 times this week because Monday we got food and Wednesday and Thursday we had District Leader Conference for Elder Marple and Zone Conference with President Jones! I'm so glad he is our president, he is super awesome. He talked about obedience and if we make it our quest instead of an annoyance we can teach with more power of the spirit!! So we took that to heart this week and it has been working! We are pretty busy in Tohatchi now and people who haven't been to church for a long time have been randomly showing up!! The first week I was here we had 15 people in sacrament but for the last 2 months since then it has been at 30 and 40!! So we are doing all we can to strengthen the branch! Our branch president loves us so much because of the work we do!!
For General Conference we drove in on Saturday and Sunday to watch it. I really liked alot of the talks too.
It gets really cold here and the wind blows really hard in the winter. I need a hat, scarf, gloves, a jacket and even long johns!! I will also need another pair or two of dress pants because rez elders don't need to wear suits. I know it's a lot of stuff but nessesary.
I am in Alma 56 now and its mostly about all the wars that are going on. I'm reading Helamans epistle to Moroni about the stripling warriors he calls his "little sons" but they are really not that little! He expresses his love for them and what their mothers taught them multiple times!! I can tell he is greatful for what those mothers taught their sons which makes me greatful for all the things you've taught me mom. I love you and miss you!!

Love, Elder Christensen

Monday, September 26, 2011

Letter from Sept 22nd

Thanks for your words of wisdom Dad. Your right about me finding the elect people but it is still sad to see those who don’t want to change or dont' have strength or the will to change. Most of the people here are old so they have a hard time remembering what we teach! It is also really hard to help them understand that they need to stop practicing their ceremonies because it breaks the first 2 commandments! I don’t know maybe those are not very good things to say to help them.

There are a couple of people here who say they know the bible very well and we end up having bible bashes. My companion hates these kinds of situations but I love them! Thanks for those scriptures that you sent me. I know I will probably use them.

Everything at home sounds like it is going well. You mentioned hiking in your last letter Dad. When you guys come and pick me up in two years, I will have to show you some awesome hikes! Yes, it does include some cliff dwellings. Oh and by the way, next month I will be needing some winter gear, because it is getting pretty cold. Well, that is it for now. I know things will work out for you guys! Be Safe!

Love Devon

Letter from Sept. 21st


Thanks for the news update on some of the things that have been going on. I guess I have a few more updates about what has been going on here. We did not make it to the fair in Window Rock because we already had plans. It is an extra trip we can’t really afford. We only have 1,500 miles per month we can use. We are planning on having 4 baptisms this next month unless I get transferred out next week or something but most likely not. I haven’t gotten any packages other than my bike but I am sure they are on their way.
So I found out that everyone in our zone are total video freaks but I am still the biggest of them all! The only people I can really talk to without someone getting all weirded out is an Elder Harbin and an Elder Shreeve and a sister missionary who is obsessed with Assassins Creed like myself! So that is pretty fun to talk to them.
If you have sent music I could really use it. We are in the car a lot and at night it is super nice to have something to listen to. It can be any genre as long as it isn’t intense music. Anything that is uplifting or makes you feel good is okay.
Teaching is going better but it is still a challenge to make people come to church. I am trying to be nice to these people but I am too bold when it comes to teaching. Sometimes they get a bit ruffled when I teach the lessons because I am so bold but I am doing better. I do love the people I teach and they teach me more patience because they think very slowly and take their time in responding.

I am so grateful that I have such a wonderful family! I love you so much mom and dad. You guys are the best! Tell everyone I love them!

Love, Me

Letters from Devon

Sorry everyone I am a little behind on the information from Devon's handwritten letters. The following blogs are from 2 letters we received from Devon last week.

Happy reading!

Yah Tee!

Yat tee! (Hello)
This week has been pretty fun but it has also been rough. We were never able to extend our baptismal dates because everyone ditched us!! I also don't know what is going on with the mail. It hasn't shown up at all for the last 2 weeks because the mission office holds it during transfer week till they know were everyone is going!! But other than that I should be ok.
My new companion Elder Marple is pretty fun!! We both can cook and we taught ourselves how to cook rice in a crockpot!! That is great that grandma and grandpa are doing well and that they had fun on their trip! People here have had huge gardens as well this year and next spring they are planning to start a town garden in Tohatchi at the church so hopefully that goes well.
When winter rolls around people don't have gas heaters except for the missionaries and at the church so we go and chop woods for a ton of people! Yes, that is what I said chop woods. People here have funny accents like for pants they say "pantses" and they also say things like "talkings so funny stuff" like that so its fun to hear how they talk!
It has already snowed in Flagstaff and from what I have heard everyone is expecting this winter to come early and to be very cold. Some gloves and a scarf would be great!
I hope everyone is doing well and I'm so glad you guys haven't killed each other yet without me being there. So just hang in there for two more years and I'll be back!! If anyone wants to read the Book of Mormon with me I'm in Alma Chapter 30 so if you would like to start reading there we can like share everything that we have learned each week. Does that sound good?
I have taught priesthood three times and have given two talks and I also take care of the sacrament!! I'm so gratefull for all of your support and your strength and your testimonies! It really helps me to be able to do stuff like that.

Love, Elder Christensen

Monday, September 19, 2011

Staying in Tohatchi

Well, todays weekly email is going to full of news! First off I'm not getting transfered but my companion is. My new companion is someone I have met before in fact he stayed the night with his companion during zone conference! I haven't gotten any mail since Wednesday and I am dying!! They hold it the Wednesday before transfers so they can send it to the right place and it doesnt get lost. Other than that I am doing well.

Some of the investigators we have been teaching or rather talking to are some wonderfully weird hippies lol! Their names are Barbra and Joseph and they are the coolest people and they are super smart! They are artists now both of them gave up their huge careers to live in Tohatchi!. Barbra was a biochemist for along time and got into cloning! She had to quit 4 years ago because they were cloning people and the people in her office would stare at her all day. It kind of creeped her out and she couldn't sleep so she quit! Anyway she has alot of crazy stories like that. She is a trained medicine woman but doesn't practice it because she says it's just not her thing! Joseph her husband is also crazy smart and was a neuro-surgeon! It's nice to talk to them.

I haven't had anything good to eat yet besides some steak. I have to be honest though, Navajo food is really bland and tastes like corn but other than that its okay. Well I have a busy day planned so TTFN!

I'll send pictures as soon as I get the new memory card!!

Love ya!
Elder Christensen

Monday, September 12, 2011


Well hey thanks for the email! I love you guys and I am grateful for your love and support! Things here are getting so much better everyday because I just quit caring about some of the numbers and stuff lol. I love how I can do that!! Any way, this weeks email is short because I have had kind of a wierd week. We have been helping some elders in our mission with baptisms because they have been so busy. In the last two weeks they have had 9 dates set and 6 baptisms. They just set more today so we are pumped!! And we found 6 invetigators in one day and we will be setting dates for them next week so I'm really excited!! We have really picked things up here in Tohatchi and we will be setting a record with baptisms here if all our dates follow up! This week I have had some wierd stuff to eat like smoked blue corn which is gross and mutton!! Anyway not much else has happend other than just helping people prepare for winter! It has also rained a ton down here which has been really nice! Ok so my word of the week is Dinhabizzahd which means "word of the people" or basicaly it's what the language is called and no its not Navajo. Well its good to hear from all y'all and keep me posted on things. I will keep you all in my prayers.

Elder Christensen

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Super Busy Week!

My weekly e-mail to y'all this week is kind of short because it has been super busy for me! Last week there was a Zone Leader Conference and all of the leaders and elders went to Farmington. Last Sunday night we stayed in Gallup with the Zone Leaders and Monday and Tuesday I spent hanging out with some of the other elders. I do believe that the timing for this conference was definatley inspired. I went to a lot of appointments with Elder Totten and Elder Hunsaker. There was a family they wanted to extend a baptism date to. We got talking with them and we got into the lesson about the commandments. The Zone Leader extended a baptism commitment to the kids because the mom is already a member and she has 4 kids. Anyway they extended a date and commited them to be baptized. I felt inspired to ask the dad a question, "Brother Smith as you come to know these things are true will you be baptized with your family?" He hesitated but said he would! It has been great to see the spirit work on someone because it makes them think about things that they might not have ever thought about before. Then the spirit testifies to them that what they are learning is right! So that was on Tuesday. When my companion and I returned we had a really good day of teaching in Tohatchi. Then the Zone Leaders wanted to go on exchanges so then I ended up in Gallup on Thursday. We went looking for potentials and talked to some Nuns who were walking around for a minute which was fun! Then we helped some new members move into the ward and the husband was battling cancer. We talked for a long while and then somehow the Sister Missionaries ended up at the same house so we talked for a solid hour! Before we left the dad asked me to give him a blessing! I know right! My first transfer and I have already given 3 blessings. One of healing, one of comfort and a confirmation! It really does fulfill the blessing that the Stake President gave me when he set me apart. I have also seen alot of things so far that my Patriarchal Blessing said would happen. It amazes me how the Lord works and that he will keep all of his promises if we keep ours!
Really quick to answer some of your questions. The people we teach are all Navajo or at least married to one. Most are traditional Navajo's where they perform their native ceremonies and prayers. They believe all religions are true and we all pray to the same person but the Navajo pray to what they call "The Holy People" and also the pray to four sacred mountains, one in each direction. On P-Days we mostly lounge around, we have massive Nerf wars with our Zone and play some other sports. We go shopping once a week and have to buy food to last us a whole week on $130! This is really hard because on the reservation we get fed maybe once a month if we are lucky. It is a little frustrating but I guess good for budgeting.
The cleaning is going better. We had a mice problem but hopefully we got them all. We have a fly probelm and a small spider problem now. I have gotten really good at catching files in a water bottle and shooting them with my nerf gun! Other than that we are doing good.

I love you all and am stoked to hear back from you!
Elder Christensen

Friday, September 2, 2011

Till the Cows Come Home

Thanks for the letters and for reminding me of what I need to do to make the time go by faster. I got over being homesick fairly quickly and I know it has been a big blessing from the Lord.
Things have been picking up in Tohatchi lately and we are hoping to extend 7 baptismal invitations. We hope to baptize them all before the end of this transfer. I can't believe I have already been serving here for 4 weeks! I have 2 more weeks left in the transfer but I hope I will be able to stay for one more week. There is so much work left to be done and we are working Super Hard! Oh, something funny happened this week. After I read Dad's joke about the cows (see joke below) the last couple of days the cows have pushed opened our gate and have woke us up with all of their mooing. At like 5:00 AM!! We looped a chain around the fence to keep the gate closed but we will see how that holds up.
Oh, and we did some service last Friday that took us 5 hours! We have been destroying a trailer home which has been super fun! I will send pictures of it but it was good to be able to relieve some of the stress on the walls, toilets, sinks, mirrors and oven.

Thank you everyone for your love and support!
Elder Christensen

JOKE: There were these cows grazing in a pasture and one of them looked up and bellows out a big MOOOOOOOO! Then one of the other cows lifts up his head, turns to him and says, "Hey, that's what I was going to say!" HA, HA.

Do You Believe in Revelation?

Well, I have settled in here and I still can't get over the fact that there are only 25 people who come to church. The other churches here, like the Catholic and the Pentecostal, have their parking lots full every week. It's depressing but we are still working hard and we have 3 investigators that are in the same town. Two of them are Catholic and one is Pentecostal. We gave them all a Book of Mormon and challenged them to read it! The lady who was Pentecostal knows the Bible very well. My companion tried to explain the Plan of Salvation to her but she did not understand it as well as we thought. We are trying to go back next week to teach her the first lesson. It was my first time meeting with her and as my companion was teaching her, I looked at her and blurted out "Do you belive in revelation today?" It was so funny because I saw that my companion had this look on his face like, "Are you crazy?" She looked at me funny then she was quiet for like a minute. I realized that I probably should not have said anything but then she replied that she did believe. I told her about the Book of Mormon and from there we some how got on the topic of the Godhead. She showed us a scripture that Heavenly Father, Christ and the Holy Ghost are all one. We said, "No, they are one in purpose." and we read her a scripture from the Bible where Christ is telling plainly that they are all seperate and she did not believe us. We had a nice Bible discussion and told her to read the Book of Mormon, to pray about it and then we left. Weird I know.

That's it for now.
Talk with you soon.

Love Elder Christensen

Monday, August 29, 2011

Out One Whole Month!

I can't believe it has already been a whole month! I am almost done with this transfer but I actually hope to stay in Tohatchi unless I become a Zone Leader with my companion, which would be weird, but we will see what happens. We are planning on at least 4 baptisms this month in Tohatchi! We are extending so many invitations that I know that as soon as they come they will know that this gospel is true and they will want to be baptized! We are trying to catch people at home and are switching up our schedule a little bit because some people have been avoiding us on purpose but we will get them!

Well there has been an increase in Peyote meetings lately. Peyote is legal here in the reservation. The Catholic Church has a sweat lodge at the back of their church and they also have a stained glass picture of a Medicine Man Jesus, I think that is kind of funny. It makes it tougher for us to teach people that it is not right to participate in things like that though. They use their own understanding to justify their actions. There is a good scripture in Proverbs, I think it's like Chapter 21 or something and it says "Hearken not unto thine own understanding, but let the Lord guide you in all things." I think we can apply this to ourselves too.

We have a church here in Tohatchi but the Branch President and his counselors live like 30 minutes away! When people need to get access to the Store House or something, it is hard for them to get that permission. I am learning Navajo and when I can say my testimony in Navajo I will let you know, LOL!

Well that is all that I have for the week. I love you all and I am so grateful for your love and support!

Elder Christensen

Teaching in Tohatchi

Mom and Dad,

I have been doing better out here. I think I am adapting pretty well and I also have been praying more and that has helped.
Right now we have an average of 20 people that come to church. We are working with 15 less active families to try to get them to come back and 15 or so investigators. This is a tough area and it is as close as one can get to a life of poverty and trouble. I don't know what you have heard about the Indian Reservations but I can pretty much say that it is true and is getting worse.
We haven't been very successful out here because everyone says that it does not matter what religion you belong to because we are all praying to the same God or Spirit. It is hard to ask them questions or to tell them that prayer alone doesn't save us, because the people here either don't want to listen or they just don't understand. Most of them can't read very well and all we can do is explain it more simply and ask them questions. If and when they answer, they usually just tell us a story about why prayer is all that they need and that is the end of it. I have been studying about prayer and faith in action and the only thing that I can say so far is that without action or without getting up and working hard to show God that we really want those blessings, we are not really going to get anywhere. God isn't going to give us blessings that we don't deserve or something that we did not work for. I know there are some blessings he gives because he loves us and wants us to be happy, but I don't know how to tell someone that prayer alone won't save us and why. That is something that I am working on right now.

Mom and Dad, I can't tell you how much it means to me that you love us so much and you will drop everything that you want to do or like to do to help us be better. There are so many broken families here and most of them are single moms, so when we find a family that has a mom and a dad we are always excited! I love you guys so much and am glad you have pushed me to do things and support me out here on a mission.
Tell everyone that I love them and can't wait to hear from ya all!

Elder Christensen

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Monday, August 22, 2011

Loving Tohatchi

Hey Everyone,
     Thank you for all of the e-mails!  I love hearing from you guys and I am loving my mission!  I have finally gotten over the homesickness and am working really hard.  We have a non-member family who loves the missionaries and they love what we are doing.  They feel that we are actually changing the community bit by bit and they let us come over to their house at least 3 times a week because they keep us sane.  They are like parents to us and if we didn't have them we would probably be in big trouble or dying of salmonella or something, LOL.
     My comps name is Elder Seals and he is great.  He has helped me alot. I love getting handwritten letters because I can read them and reply when I have time during the week.  It keeps me from losing my mind LOL!
     Well the town drunk hasn't bothered us this week, but we did run into some more.  I will tell you more about that in my letters that I write this week.
     Well my spiritual thought for the week is about action.  There are countless Navajo's here who believe that they have been saved because they prayed about it.  We tell them that is a good start but that the only way to be cleansed of our sins and not just forgiven is through baptism with the proper authority.  If we are just forgiven and not cleansed of our sins we still cannot achieve the greatest kingdom because no unclean thing can dwell with God.  Through Christ and his atonement we can receive that cleanliness that we can't have otherwise!  It is really hard to explain this because alot of the natives here can't read very well.  They have a hard time talking to us and understanding us.  I have been praying lately to let the spirit help them understand what we say is true and hopefully it will.
     I hope you all are doing great and I am so glad I have this opportunity to serve the Lord and try to repay Him!
     May the force be with you!


Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Another Day In Paradise?

Hi Guys,
     Well here I am on the reservation in Tohatchi.  There are 700 members and only 25 come to church so the work is immense and I need a few words of encouragement!  I need to get my mind off of home eventhough it's only my first week here.  I can only e-mail once a week and that is a killer but thanks for the goodies everyone.
     We met the town drunk my first day here and of course he was drunk.  He keeps stopping by our place since I got here except for Friday.  He keeps yelling at us and calling us devils because we wouldn't go to this church meeting with him.  Real nice guy, right?  Other than that, there are some really great people here.  I will tell you about them in the next e-mail. 
      I know this sounds weird coming from me but guys don't take school for granted!  I am living in an area where the people reject their education and the society on the Reservation is taking a heavy toll.  The people don't want to work, they struggle so much and they expect everything to be given to them.  It makes me so sad to see so many lazy people.  I can see how being self-reliant and a hard worker are super important.  Sometimes when we work hard we don't get anything but sometimes by working hard we can be an example to others and by being a good example like Jesus, then people see how good of a person you are and they want to try to be like you.
     Do you remember when I was getting set apart and the Stake President said I will be sought after for blessings?  Well my first Sunday here I was asked to confirm someone.  I was nervous but I think I did ok.
    Remember to be a light and an example to those around you.

Love you all,
Elder Christensen

Monday, August 15, 2011

It's The Rainy Season

Hello Everyone,
     Well it hasn't been that hot down here, it is the rainy season, there have been some big storms and some flooding cause the ground here is mostly sandy.  I am in a small town called Tohatchi in the Gallup Stake and there is no one around us!  We are in the middle of no where!  I feel so lonely when we are not doing work that I get homesick.  I draw pictures and I learned how to catch flies in a water bottle, ya weird stuff I know.  Besides exercising and planning at night I am really bored!!  We have a couple of games but it's hard to play when it is only the two of you in a trailer!  Oh and when I first got here I opened the door and I almost cried because my companion's old companion did not clean and there was mold everywhere!  Mold growing in the sink, on all the plates, in the shower and in the toilet!!  I have been cleaning a lot and bit by bit it is mostly gone.  All that is left is the stove and microwave.
     Thanks for the thought you send mom, it is nice boost.  I keep asking myself how am I going to survive here for 5 more weeks and is scares me, but if I trust in the Lord then it will all be okay!
     Yes as you can tell by the picture the mission president sent, I am the tallest one out here so far.  Would you please send my bike stand?  That will be important because I have a couple of projects I would like to do for some non-members who are awesome!  They keep me and my companion sane. 
     Well I think my time is almost up.  I love you and a good scripture to read is Jeremiah 51: 20-21.

Love you all,
Elder Christensen

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Letter from the Mission President

Dear Brother and Sister Christensen,
     It was wonderful to meet Elder Christensen as he arrived!  We are grateful to have him as a full-time missionary in the New Mexico Farmington Mission.

     I had a personal interview with Elder Christensen to get acquainted with him.  We held a heart-warming testimony meeting in the evening, I felt his spirit as he bore his testimony.  The next morning Elder Christensen met his trainer.  We select trainers that we believe are the most obedient, hard working and most skilled missionaries.  We talked about how blessings come by obediently working in unity.  Elder Christensen left the mission home with a big smile and great anticipation.

     Experience shows that once new missionaries become immersed in daily missionary work, feelings of homesickness dissipate and they begin to feel the warmth of the Holy Ghost.  You and your missionary will be blessed as your communication with him helps him focus on his purpose to invite others to come unto Christ.  As a reminder, it is against Church policy for full-time missionaries to have visits from family members, relatives and friends except a phone call on Mother's Day and Christmas for 30 to 40 minutes.

     Enclosed is a picture of Elder Christensen and his trainer, with Sister Jones and me.  Rest assured that next to our own family, our most important responsibility is to love, watch over and strengthen our missionaries.  May the Lord bless you with the knowledge that your missionary is well cared for, as he serves the Lord.

With our love,
President and Sister Jones

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Ready to go!

Hey Mom and Dad,

The MTC is fun but I am so ready to get out of here!  I have been taking a lot of pictures and most of them are of the Provo Temple.  My sensitivity to the Spirit has grown so much!  Even though I am not in the field yet, me and my companion have 4 investigators so we spend, well I spend my extra time learning and making lessons for us to teach with.  My companion is a convert but is trying his best to learn so I help him as much as I can but that means that I teach most of the time.  Oh and some elder gave me a pie so I am going to trade it for something.

So how is Jordan doing?  How is the car?  What blessings have come since I left?  Dad that is cool that you were able to go with the scouts and tell Jordan to keep working hard.

I just wanted to tell you both how much I love you and love the Savior and I have found a new love for all of his people.  I want Jordan and Britt and well, Ashley to know how much I love them too and miss them.

Love Elder Christensen

Friday, August 5, 2011

My Last Week at the MTC!

     Hey this is my last week here at the MTC and then I will be leaving here on Monday the 8th!  So ya, things have been going well here and mom you should have everyone e-mail me when they get a chance because I have more time to e-mail now than I thought I would.  I am curious to know what has been going on at home and how everyone is doing!
     So we went and did temple work today which is always nice and brings the spirit for me for the rest of the week.  My favorite experience this week was going to a devotional on Tuesday and Gerald N. Lund spoke.  You know that guy who wrote The Work and The Glory.  Anyway he had some really cool stuff to say about faith and how we can get the word to soften our investigators hearts and let them hear the word so they can begin their journey of faith and their path back to our Father in Heaven. 
     Well that is it.  You might get a phone call from me about 6:30 or 7:00 in the morning on Monday so be ready!

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Another MTC Letter


Sorry my last letter was so short.  The Mission President asked us to write a quick letter home to let you know that I haven't been translated yet. My Prep days here are on Wednesday and I don't have travel plans until next Friday the 5th. 

The first 4 days here were the most overwhelming but I have got the hang of it now.  I'll only e-mail you twice while at the MTC then when I am out in the field it will be on Monday's. 

The companion I have is okay but the other roomates I have are all going to New Mexico!  I am super stoked that I'll be able to serve with them.  One of them is a huge Jim Carrey fan like me!  He also sounds just like him too.  His name is Elder Munns and his companion is from Centerville.  He went to Viewmont which is cool I guess.

Well that is it for now.  Mom stop freaking out and Britt don't break anymore bones while I am gone!  Just kidding.

Love Ya!
Elder Christensen

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

First E-Mail of My Mission!

Hey, its my first big e-mail of my mission!  Everything is awesome!  I have been having some awesome experiences and I can't believe how fast time is going.  It was overwhelming the first couple of days that we were here but now it is going so fast and I only have like 1 week and then I'll leave that following Monday! 

The firesides and devotionals are awesome and there are like 4,000 missionaries here right now!  It's NUTS!  Anyway, one of my favorite experiences is that we have begun teaching investigators here and at first it was sort of rough because we did not know how to answer all of their questions.  But now I think I am getting the hang of teaching all of the time and it is so cool.  We even have less active members who want to talk to us and we mostly talk to them about faith and stuff. 

Tell everyone I said hi and am grateful for their prayers.  I am also grateful to my Father in Heaven for helping me to learn so much so fast!

Love ya!
Elder Christensen

Friday, July 22, 2011

Devon at the MTC

He made it !  It was such an exciting day and Devon could hardly wait to go.  We stopped for lunch at the Olive Garden but no one could really eat we were all so nervous and excited for him.  When we arrived to the MTC the driveway was lined with missionaries.  We saw Devon's friend Elder Karl Garrett and gave him a high five as we were driving in.  We pulled forward to the next availble parking spot and as soon as it started, it was over.  The missionary host was there to help, Devon gave hugs all around and then he was off and never looked back!  The ride home was very subdued and we will miss him terribly but we know he is doing the right thing and will be a fantastic missionary!

Elder Devon Christensen